Transform the generated knowledge in research centres into high health value products for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
To be an international reference in innovation in the clinical and cosmetic sectors, to develop dermatological therapies that generate value for society and improve people’s quality of life.
Trough transparency and respect we always seek to improve the quality of human life in different areas by means of research and innovation projects that provide solutions to society.
Dirección / Address:
»Avda. Industria, nº 4, Edificio 1, planta baja, local D, Alcobendas, 28108 MADRID
»C/ Astrónoma Cecilia Payne I.D 8.1.
Edificio Centauro- 14014 CÓRDOBA
Teléfono: +34 91 104 46 75 / 76
Correo: administracion@canaanrd.com